Dream #5 "Layle El"

Request: Become Layla El using the Medallion of Zulo. Do some general things like try on underwear, and explore her body. Pictures for reference. 1 2 3

Note: Dreams are strange, strange things may happen. If something happens in the dream that requires me to use dream control or a creative solution, i'll try to explain my reasoning or why i did what i did.
I woke up at 5:30 am as always, set my intent, and went back to sleep. I notice that i'm in a school talking to a teacher. I must have became lucid in the middle of a conversation because my hands were out in front of me gesturing while i spoke, and i was in the middle of saying something which i lost upon becoming lucid. The teacher in front of me was an older man in light blue swim trunks and a white shirt. He seemed to be waiting for an answer i no longer had, so i ignored him and looked around. I was in something like a gym locker room, there were various benches and lockers situated around, but it also had stalls with shower heads and a door to a sauna in the back. I felt some pressure on the back of my head so i felt my head and i seemed to have a pair of goggles strapped on my head. The rubber strap was digging into the back of my head. I appeared to have my usual short hair with beard. I looked down and saw i was shirtless and wearing only a speedo. I appeared thinner than usual, though roughly around the same height of 6'2. I was quite boney, and from what i could see of the speedo my junk was normal sized. Growing bored of the DC waiting, now impatiently, for the answer to his question i turned and walked through the door next to me. Stepping out i heard laughter and splashes and various echos, it seemed i was in a enclosed pool area. The pool had a really awesome vibrant blue bottom, which made the water almost glow. I saw there were various men and women splashing and playing around in it. I passed over them fairly quickly seeing that none of them were the one i was looking for. I saw a few attractive girls i thought of possessing, but it was not my goal. Connecting to the large pool area there was a door that appeared to lead to a lobby, this place appeared to have a set up much like my local YMCA. I walked into the lobby, still clad in only a speedo, and felt the cold air hit me. It smelled of chlorine in the lobby (oddly enough, i didn't get the smell near the pool) and i could feel the air conditioning all over my body. My hair stood on end on my arms due to the chill, and i started for the front entrance. This room was a plain square with a desk in the middle which had a computer, and there were stairs off to the side which i assume led to the gym. It looked exactly like my YMCA. I reached the front door and stepped outside. It was very warm out, and humid. I would guess around 95 degrees. The area i was in did not appear to be like the area near the local YMCA, though. I had no idea where i was. I was set off of a street, but other than that it was very blank looking. The road stretched to either direction and on the other side of the road from me was just some trees and power lines. I took a right from the gym and just started walking. I did this for roughly 5 minutes but nothing seemed to happen, so i began to sprint. I did my usual method for flying and went from a fly and then leapt and willed myself into the air. My momentum continued and i took off into the air, continuing quickly in the direction i was going. I flew for a few minutes, entertained at the notion of a man with goggles and a speedo flying quickly overhead, and eventually reached an apartment complex. It appeared to be fairly high end, each of the rooms on the outside had a nice little patio with a chair or two. Not bothering to go through the lobby, i flew to one of the random windows that had a pink chair and a green round table outside. It was on the 4th floor, i flew and landed on it and rapped my knuckle on the sliding glass door leading inside, which was obscured by hanging blinds. No one appeared to be home, so i set my intent in the dream and expected this to be the home of my dream goal. I attempted to open the sliding glass door, but found it was locked. Not having the patience to attempt going in from the other side, i pulled hard on the sliding glass door until i heard the lock crack, and it began to open. Stepping inside, it looked like i had entered a hotel room rather than an apartment. There were 2 beds against the wall with lamps hanging over both. Facing the beds against the wall was a TV cabinet with the cabinet doors open and displaying a 20 inch-ish old style TV. To the side of the bed furthest from me was a small closet, and a dresser sat next to it displaying various pictures. Close to the door leading to the hall was a door that lead to a bathroom.

The room felt fairly cool, and had a sweet smell like someone had sprayed perfume. Closing the sliding glass door first, i then walked over to the closet and peered in. Hanging along both sides of it were various female and male clothes, and along the bottom shoes were lined up. Closest to me i saw a pair of small pink panties,  like those from one of the pictures i recalled. Hoping that it was the pair i wanted, i grabbed them and threw them onto the bed. I had a thought to reach for my ring, then i realized that there was no where on my person i could currently be storing a ring. During this time, my thoughts again went to the pressure on my head and i pulled off the goggles and threw them onto the bed as well. I started thinking of ways to find the medallion of zulo, considering just winging it and using direct dream control. figuring i could just use my expectations again, i walked over to the dresser and looked at the pictures on it. I saw pictures of Layla, and a latino looking man together smiling at the camera. Another one had them embraced in a field, he was holding her tightly and they were kissing. Happy that i now knew this was the right room, i opened the top dresser drawer and found only socks. I searched through them, expecting it each time, until i hit the 3rd drawer down and found a jewelry box. I set it out on the top of the dresser and opened it. Inside there were various rings and necklaces, some of which had strange gems that i'd never seen before - one looked like a ruby, but it had glowing purple swirls inside of it. Off to the side of the box was a large ish golden medallion attached to a chain. It didn't look like the medallion from the stories, but i assumed it would be enough. I grabbed it by the chain and took it over to the bed and and grabbed the panties in my other hand. I held out the hand holding the medallion and slapped it against my other hand which had the panties. Not wanting any of the mental changes (it might fuck up the dream, i wasn't sure) i quickly opened both hands after and let both objects drop to the ground. Soon after touching them, i felt something like a small pin prick on my right hand that had held the medallion. The prick feeling grew in intensity until suddenly the feeling shot to my heart and caused my body to go numb for a second and gave me a jolt. I fell to my knees, unable to support myself with numb legs, and waited as feeling returned to my body slowly.

Having finally been able to feel my body again, i stood back up and looked down at myself hoping to see some changes. I saw on the back of my right hand i had a large splotch of darker skin, a bit more tan than my normal skin. As i watched, this splotch began to flow outwards - like a weird blob that was expanding - and cover my whole hand and begin to move up into my arm. I followed the progression as best i could, watching as it flowed from my arm into my shoulder, then into my other arm and down my chest. I assume it also went up into my face, though i could not see it. It moved down my body, giving me a darker tint of skin, and even changed my nipples from my regular pink into a bit darker and more brown. It eventually finished moving over my body. After that, my hand started cramping up, like i had written a lot. I shook my hand to try to get the pain to go away, but the pain suddenly became a strange burning sensation that shot up my arm and branched out over my body.  I felt like i had been dunked in searing water, as little branches of fire branched from my neck all the way down to my toes. Before i could really react with my body (likely curl into a ball from the pain) it disappeared and left me with just a warm sensation all over my body and limbs. I gave a sign of relief, and continued to look down at my body. The first change i noticed was that my legs began to ache somewhat. I lifted one leg and stretched it behind me, but i noticed when i put it back down it was shorter than my other and i was now lopsided. Figuring i looked goofy, i gave a chuckle and then my other leg ached. I did the same stretch with it and put it down, feeling that i was now on even footing. I felt like someone was squeezing my calf, and foot. I watched as they both began to shrink down, which was odd to see happen before my eyes. I heard a ton of tiny pops - like bubbles bursting - as my leg hair was sucked into my leg. As i watched, my toes also began to change somewhat - becoming differently shaped and more petite. The warmth faded from my lower leg, and intensified in my thighs. I extended one leg, to better watch my transformation. My knees popped as they shifted slightly, and i got a deep ache in my thigh as my legs shortened, i got a strange feeling of the room moving, but it was my legs growing shorter. I continued watching as again the comical burst of pops occurred sucking my leg hair away. I then felt a sensation like water running under my skin as my thighs filled and become much more shapely and large. The sensation was so strange i had to give my leg a shake to try to get rid of the feeling. As i did so, my thigh shook somewhat with the force. I ran my hand along my now smooth and tan thigh, and could feel that they were quite soft. The warmth faded from my thighs and looking down i could see that my legs were now totally and completely hers. They looked quite odd sticking out from the rest of my thin and lean body. The warmth then faded from my legs, leaving me alone with the strange sensation of her much fleshier legs. Before i could take a moment to consider the sensations, the feeling flared to life in my buttox, hips, waist, and crotch. My whole pelvis region felt like it had just been dunked in a warm gel. All of the follow changes occurred at once, but i'll break them down by part for organization purposes. For my ass, i got a strong sensation of warmth, but each second i feel the warmth spreading and i noticed that i was aware of more and more flesh as my ass expanded and i was able to feel flesh i hadn't previously had. It was a very odd sensation, suddenly able to feel more than i had previously. I also felt my previously loose-ish speedo become tighter and tighter  it soon began to dig into my ass and i cringed as it became too tight and instead slipped into her crack and became nearly a thong. This tightening in the ass caused the speedo to then tighten in the front and across my hips.In regards to my crotch, the tightening of the speedo caused me to be quite aware of every bump and curve on my front - due to how tight the speedo was by this point. My penis, pressed against my crotch due to the speedo, began to sink into my flesh. This feeling was fairly alarming to me, as it felt like someone was trying to press a small bar into my crotch, but instead of resisting my flesh gave in and it sank in. I watched as the bulge on my front began to sink away, and the speedo began to lay more and more flat against my body. Finally, the last little bump from my penis disappeared and i felt a small sharp pain as her vagina began to form on my body. I felt like someone was inserting something into me, as my insides shifted somewhat. I heard some more muffled pops as i assume my pubic hair disappeared. Looking down, i could see my crotch was completely flat, and there were new sensations emanating from it. I could also feel my much larger ass on my backside, which had the speedo digging into it uncomfortably. The speedo, now having to cover my large hips and huge backside, was stretched nearly to bursting. I entertained the notion of taking it off, but the changes did not give me a chance. Moving up from there, the warmth flared to life on my torso. I felt like i was sucking in my stomach, but as i did so it felt like it was having some muscle spasms. I felt it change a bit and the hair on my belly retracted. The warmth then settled on my chest and i braced myself for the interesting part. I felt a pulling on my nipples, and i watched as they expanded outwards. I felt like someone was using their fingers to try to pull my nipples apart - and the nipples actually gave in and did so. as my nipples grew they also grew outwards somewhat - giving me very feminine looking nipples. Soon after, the flaring left the surface of my skin and sunk into my flesh. I felt what can only be described as someone pushing from inside me, the flesh on my chest began to flow outwards more and more as the very definite shape of breasts began to grow on my chest. During the time they grew outwards, the warmth was also at work on my back and lower back. I felt my lower back push in some which gave a bit more definition to my ass; i noticed I shifted my shoulders back a bit without thinking, to offset the breasts growing heavier on my chest - this also resulted with me shoving my butt out some without thinking. The breasts finally finished growing on my chest, and i became acutely aware of the weight and my nipples became hard at the sensation of the open air blowing across my exposed chest. I looked down and was greeted by the site of 2 very large hills blocking my view, each topped with a pinkish brown nipple that was fully erect. As i raised my hands to explore my chest, the warmth began to do work on my hands, arms, and shoulders. I heard sickening pops as my hands - already bony - became thinner and my fingers changed. I felt like someone was giving me an overly tight handshake as my hands contracted and became more petite. My nails also grew out some. I raised my changed hands before my face, and the thing that really stood out to me was how i could see Layla's veins and fingerprints, really knocking home the impact that this was not my body any longer. The warmth in my shoulders continued to work, and my shoulders began to shrink. I don't recall any feelings from that, mostly just i noticed i had less shoulder to feel - it also made me feel weak, why this made me feel that i'm not sure. My arms finished changing, ending up shorter than before, as well as softer. I was not extremely muscular before hand, so i did not really notice any huge changes in how i felt strength-wise. Finally, the warmth suddenly took over my face and neck. The feeling reminded me of if i was blushing, or feeling hot in the face. I felt a alarming sensation of being choked as my neck became thinner, and my adams apple began to wither away. I let out a pained "eeeeeehhhhhhhh" as a response to the pain, and as it went on i could hear it become higher and higher pitched. Not really having time to focus on it, i felt like someone was running their hands all over my face and pinching and playing with the flesh. I opened my mouth slightly as my lips began to fill more and more. I could feel my face changing, giving a sensation as if there was a creature moving under my skin as my bones and muscles rearranged. I felt a prick in my ear as earring holes opened up. The warmth lingered for a moment on my scalp as my hair began to grow rapidly. I heard a noise like rope being pulled taught as my hair began to extend down my back. It tickled all the way down until it reached the middle of my back and some of it covered my ears and rested on top of my breasts. I could see it was black with some dark red streaks. I felt a momentary burning in my eyes as they changed. Finally, having completed all of the changes, the warmth faded away completely. Taking a moment to stabilize the dream, i decided i needed to find a mirror.

I stepped towards the bathroom, immediately overwhelmed by feelings. Layla's large, unrestrained breasts shifted with only a single step. In this step i also became aware of my stride being much shorter, her hips and buttox caused my gait to be quite awkward as her body did not suit my usual male style of walking. I also became aware of how intensely tight the speedo was - the step caused it to dig into her ass even more, and i could feel it stretched tightly across her hips. Trying my best to ignore the sensation, and adapt my walking to her much curvier form. Upon reaching the bathroom, i stepped onto the tile and gave a little yelp as the tile was absurdly cold. It did not feel like a natural coldness, and felt like i had stepped onto ice. Blowing if off as a quirk of the dream, i approached the sink and then looked into the mirror hanging above it. I was greeted by the sight of Layla, quite topless and with hard nipples, staring back at me. Despite having been other women on many occasions, it still always throws me off when i first look into a mirror. I saw her dark brown eyes staring back at me, and the fact that i knew it was me seeing from those eyes gave me a small chill down my spine. I saw that her mouth was still slightly open, with her much larger lips giving my reflection a fairly sensual look. I pursed them, again amused and weirded out by the fact that she followed my movements. Using a hand, i ran my fingers through her hair, feeling how soft and long it was. Not used to having anything but a buzz cut, it felt strange to have so much hair hanging from my head. Moving my attention to the rest of my body, i had to fight from becoming aroused. Looking down i saw her breasts hanging in all their massive glory from my now tan chest.  I raised my hands and used them to cup and lift her breasts. I felt every sensation and the weight of them surprised me. I was not sure in this moment if they felt and seemed so big because of how small her hands were, or because they actually were very large - i decided it was a combination of the two. I moved my hands and let the breasts fall back into place, feeling them slam back down into their natural position and jiggle quite intensely at the fall. I then took my hands and ran them down my body, aware of how smooth and soft it felt. I traced over my sides and onto her large hips. It felt strange being so wide on my hips, as my previous form had been very thin and wirey. I moved my hands to her buttox and felt how large it was. I groped it a bit, amused by having such a large and soft butt - as it was a far cry from my previous flat ass. I attempted for a moment to pick the speedo out of her butt, but it was far too tight to make any progress. I ran my hands over her crotch as well, feeling the smoothness and the bumps of her lips that were easy to make out from the skin tight speedo. I moved my focus down from there, i ran my hands along her thighs, feeling how much larger and softer they were, and i even gave her toes a little wiggle, noticing how much smaller my feet appeared to be. I ran my hands over her body one last time, just taking in all the small details of the flesh and how strange i felt. Then, returning to the main part of the room (still walking with a manly gait despite her female body fighting it) i went back to the bed and sat down. I proceeded to try to pull off the nearly bursting speedo, having to slowly work it out of her ass and off her wider hips. I finally managed to get it worked down my legs to the point where it was easy to rip it off the rest of the way. Now sitting nude, i was able to see that her crotch was indeed hairless. I felt her larger ass squished under my weight, giving me a nice pillow to sit on. I considered exploring my womanhood, but i did not want to perhaps lose the dream already.

Now time for the next part of my goal. I hopped off the bed (as well as i could, i regretted it soon after from all the jiggling and shaking her flesh did) and stepped into the panties and began to pull them up my form. I pulled them up all the way and they fit very snugly against my crotch and ass; though not nearly to the degree that the speedo did. I stood up, running my hands over my now properly clad lower body. I could feel how the tight panties accentuated and snugly held my lower body. I turned my head and was able to get a slight glimpse of her ass, which looked fantastic in the panties. Sadly, and very suddenly, this dream decided to start collapsing at this point. I lost lucidity, but there were some more fragments from the dream which i'll list below.

At one point i was lucid for a brief time in which i was laying on the ground with my arm curled under me, with my breasts resting on it. I recall i had my back arched somewhat and my ass sticking into the air. I was looking at a man that had come in, i think it was Layla's boyfriend/husband in the dream. He had a boner so i assume he was aroused.

I also got lucid in which i was still Layle, but i was no where near the previous dream scene. I was in a pair of dirty jeans and a rolled up long sleeve shirt, i was wading through a jungle and i had a machete  I recall that this dream fragment had an air of panic and desperation in it.


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